To Be Young and Pretty

Hey! We are recommended AND attractive.

From: Ms. Mary Park
Subject: Dear Councel!! (Appointed payment receiver law firm )
Date: May 2, 2010 2:43:51 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Dear principal attorney partner,

You law firm came highly recommended and attractive to me from my own personal investigative research and findings using the various tool and technic available to me.
My name is Mary lim park, currently based here in london Uk but would be be returning back to my home country with my kids in hongkong any time now.

I am a divorcee and my husband, who until recently is now retired wall street top bank executive,it will interest you to know that, i have just completed my divorce settlement and i am in need of your firms specific retainership for the sole purpose of receiving
this various divorce settlement sum for the upkeep of me and my three children- a girl and two boys.

The sum total package of this settlement is US$2.5Million only and will disbursed to you in parts of small sum ranging from US$250,000-US$600,000.

I would therefore, want your assistance and co-operation to help me receive and disburse this funds by swift wire transfer to me here in Asia as they come.
Unless, there is anything to the contray as my appointed payment receiver law firm, your firm will be entitled to retain 10% of this amount while the balance will be immediately wired to
me through my nominated account in asia where i will be for a year.I am prepared to sign any agreement put forward by your law firm covering the process.

An account which must be a trust account will be required to receive this funds into after we have completed the formalities of this negotiation.
Be advice that my husband is prepared to start sending me the money immediately i hear from your firm.

Sincerely yours,

Ms. Mary lim park

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