Another Fabrication Lawyer

Subject: Re: Debt collection/Litigation case  

We are a London based engineering company, specialising in all aspects of steel fabrication. And we humbly request to retain your legal service in collecting a debt owed us by a company in your area. Due to the need for expansion and numerous projects executed by my company at that time, payment of $700,000.00 for steel products/equipments was made to the seller in December of 2011 and our calculation shows that delivery is about five Months late. The regular purchase agreement requires seller to effect delivery of goods not later than 60 days upon payment or legal action may be enforced if delivery delay exceeds 120 days.

Litigation will be our last resort. Please find the details of the seller below to allow you run a conflict check. In the absence of any conflict, forward me your retainer agreement for review.

Pioneer Industries
7440 West Marginal Way S.
Seattle, WA 98108 

Upon receiving your retainer agreement, i will have a telephone conference with you, informing you of more details of the transaction.

I am of a strong opinion, that once i coordinate our correspondence with your firm to the seller, they will have no option but to send payment through your firm's trust account to us.


Theo Trescher.

Trescher Fabrication Ltd
RA1 & 2 Bermondsey Trading Estate
Rotherhithe New Road
SE16 3LL

Tel:+44 702 403 5402.

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