Jasper, the friendly respondent

From: Lydia Kwang
Subject: Re: Dear Counsel (More Details)
Date: September 13

Dear Counsel,

I live in South Korea while My ex spouse Jasper Kwang lives in Seattle, Washington. As a result of time difference it is difficult to reach you. We were divorced in South Korea but my ex husband Jasper Kwang relocated to the United States. He is a citizen. We both agreed under a separation Agreement incorporated, merged into and made part of the court decree for a settlement of Child Support, Spousal Support, and Medical support of $941,100.00, he has paid me $270,500.00 but still owing $670,600.00 and the stipulated time for completion of payment has long elapsed. This is the reason why I contacted your firm, as there is already an agreement in place. I know for sure my ex husband has the financial means to pay for balance he owes me nut just because i have not taken any legal measures against him, he has decided not to payment the balance, so right now i need your help "Legally". Thus, I request your legal services to enforce the court order compelling him to remit balance he owes me. I will be pleased to provide further information like the copy of the terms of separation agreement, and the Court's Decree (i.e. Divorce Decree) and I will be pleased to provide further information on this case on request.

I expect this to be resolved in a timely manner. Sequels to this, if you are happy to proceed, kindly send me a copy of your retainer and if the terms are acceptable I will sign so we can commence the process without delay.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and professionalism.

Yours truly,

Lydia Kwang

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