Melinda's Lawyer

From: Melinda Lee William
Subject: Lawyer Inquiry
Date: April 24, 2010 10:58:05 AM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Lawyer Inquiry

My name is Melinda Lee William . I am contacting your firm in regards to a divorce settlement with my ex husband
Paul Baron) who resides in your jurisdiction. I am currently on assignment in Japan. We had an out of court Agreement (Collaborative Law Agreement) for him to pay $648,450.00 plus legal fees. He has only paid me $64,000 since .

I am hereby seeking your firm to assist in collecting the balance from him. He has agreed already to pay me the balance but it is my belief that a Law firm like yours is needed to help me collect payment from my ex-husband or litigate this matter if he fails to pay as promised.

Your's truly
Melinda Lee William

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