Pullen's Attorney

From: Mrs. Courtney
Subject: DEAR COUNSEL !!!
Date: April 26, 2010 3:16:40 PM PDT
Reply-To: mscourtney_pullen@hotmail.com

Dear Counsel,

My name is MRS COURTNEY PULLEN I am contacting your firm in regards to a divorce settlement
with my ex-husband who resides in your jurisdiction. We had an out of court Agreement (Collaborative Law Agreement) for him to pay $796,500.00 plus legal
fees. He has only paid me $82,000 since.

I have been on sick bed over a protracted espionage long cancer. I am presently in London hospital recuperating.

I am hereby seeking your firm to assist me in collecting the balance from him as he has agreed already to pay me the balance as soon as possible as long as the payment is going into
my legal counsel's TRUST ACCOUNT who will also act as witness to this transaction.

I want Your Firm to help me collect this payment from him or litigate this matter if he fails to pay as promised as i am urgently in need of the money for my treatment and my
children general well being. Kindly Reply to my Private email address at mscourtney_pullen@hotmail.com


Mrs.Courtney Pullen

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