Free download or read online Urdu Islamic Book "Duaon Ki Qaboliyat Ke Sunehray Waqiat" and read amazing stories all about the Pray. "Duaon Ki Qaboliat Ke Sunehray Waqiat" (The golden stories of the acceptance of prays). This is an Urdu Islamic book authored by Mr. Abdul Malik Mujahid who is a Pakistani born American and a popular Islamic scholar. Abdul Malik Mujahid has written a lot of Islamic books in Urdu and English languages. He is best known for his Urdu Islamic books in Pakistan. Abdul Malik Mujahid's mostly books consisting the Islamic stories that have moral and lessons for Muslims. Duaon Ki Qaboliat Ke Sunehray Waqiat Urdu book is one of his most popular Urdu books in which he has collected the stories of the people who prayed and Allah Almighty granted what did they want.
Abdul Malik Mujahd has also mentioned the prays that give result. The stories in this book is no doubt the golden stories. This book is recommended to every Muslim who can read an understand Urdu language.
Duaon Ki Qaboliat Ke Sunehre Waqiat by Abdul Malik Mujahid is here in Pdf format with beautiful and colorful font. The author has also collected some Islamic historical places' images that relates to the prays stories. You can free download and read online this Urdu book from the table below the following sample pages.
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