Understanding Business, 11th Edition

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Understanding Business, 11th Edition  Pdf Book Free Download

Year: 2015|File Size: 65 MB | File Type: Pdf | Pages: 841 | Category: Business                                                                          Report This Content

Understanding business, 11th edition is a bestselling business pdf book authorized by James McHugh, Susan McHugh and William Nickels. Understanding business is regarded as a market leader textbook of business for instructors and students. It consists of six parts, first one is business trends, cultivating a business in diverse, global environments, second is business ownership: starting a small business, third is business management, empowering employees to satisfy customers, fourth is management of human resources, motivating employees to produce quality goods and services, fifth is marketing: developing and implementing customer-oriented marketing plans, sixth and last one is managing financial resources.

Understanding Business, 11th Edition Table of Contents

Understanding business, 11th Edition consists of 21 chapters, here is a complete list of contents.

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