Breaking News: Otter Products is Still Correct

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You may know that one of the more closely watched appeals has been Otter Products, LLC v. United States in which the Court of International Trade previously overturned the tariff classification Customs and Border Protection assigned to covers for mobile devices. My original post on the case is here.

Customs classified the covers in HTSUS Heading 4202, which includes, among a large number of other things, suitcases, camera case, backpacks, and similar contains. The Court of International Trade held that mobile device covers are not "similar" to the exemplars listed in the heading and, therefore, could not be classified there. The principle reason supporting that conclusion was that none of the exemplars allow the user complete and functional access to the contents while in the container. To put it in colorful terms: I can't wear my socks when they are in a closed suitcase but I can use my device when it is in the OtterBox Commuter and Defender cases at issue. The alternative is to classify these products as "other articles of plastic" in Heading 3926. The applicable rates of duty are 20% for tariff item 4202.99.00 versus 5.3% for tariff item 3926.99.90.

The Federal Circuit has now affirmed. The decision is, in my opinion, close to perfect.

Looking to the legal text, the Court noted Chapter 39, Note 2(m), which states that Chapter 39 does not cover trunks, suitcases, handbags, and other containers of Heading 4202. That means that if the device covers are properly classified in 4202, they cannot be classified in 3926.

To fall within 4202, the covers must be "similar containers," meaning similar to trunks, suitcases, and other listed containers. To be fair, some of the listed containers are kinda, sorta similar to device cases including spectacle cases, tobacco pouches, and beverage bags. When trying to decide whether something is similar to the listed containers, the Court considers "the unifying characteristics" of the listed products and determined whether the imported item shares those characteristics and does not possess a "more specific primary purpose that is inconsistent with the listed exemplars." A number of prior decisions have identified the unifying characteristics of Heading 4202 as being the ability and purpose of "organizing, storing, protecting, and carrying various items."

Right out of the blocks [Metaphor alert: I must have recently watch too many hours of Olympic track.], the Federal Circuit determined that mobile device cases that provide continual, useful access to the enclosed device are not "containers" at all, let alone "similar containers." The point here is that the common definition of "container" includes examples of items such as boxes, crates, cans, and jars, all of which usually require some minimal effort on the part of the user to get to the enclosed item. The Court of International Trade noted that the device covers at issue, on the contrary, are designed to let the user get to and manipulate the device without opening the cover or removing the device. It is, however, easy enough to envision an open box, for example, permitting access and use of the enclosed item. Consequently, while important, neither the Federal Circuit nor the CIT ended its analysis with this point.

Next, the Court noted that the Commuter and Defender covers are not "similar" to the listed exemplars. Here, the real question was whether the test for "similar containers" required the container to have all four of the unifying characteristics or whether any one is enough. This was an open question and, in my view, a false dichotomy. The answer need not be one or the other in all cases. As the Federal Circuit eventually found, the proper analysis takes all the factors into consideration but applies them in the context of both the item to be classified and the text of Heading 4202. According to the decision:

We take this opportunity to clarify that there is no requirement that the subject merchandise meet all four characteristics to qualify as a “similar container” under Heading 4202.  Courts should consider the four characteristics collectively and then determine whether, in light of those considerations, the classification would lead to an inconsistency.  If, for example, an item met only one of the four characteristics, it almost certainly would not qualify as a “similar container” under Heading 4202.  Allowing a single factor to satisfy the inquiry would, in almost all conceivable scenarios, render the scope of “similar containers” so broad that it would lead to absurd results and make consistent application of the standard all but impossible.

Turning to those individual characteristics, the Federal Circuit first looked at whether the covers organize the devices. They do not. A phone on the table or in my pocket is just as organized as a phone in a case on a table or in my pocket.

Looking to "storage," the Court held that because the devices remain fully accessible and useable, the covers are not "storage" containers.

It was undisputed that the covers protect the devices.

Finally, the covers do not facilitate carrying the devices. The Court observed that, if anything, the device carries the case. Furthermore, when it comes to carrying the device, there is little difference between carrying the naked device and one in a cover. Thus, the covers do not "carry" the device.

The examination of the four factors did not end the analysis. The government argued that the CIT imposed an additional fifth factor that the item must be removed from use while in the container. The Federal Circuit disagreed. This was not a new factor. Rather, it was a recognition that the digital device covers have a characteristic and purpose that is inconsistent with the examples in 4202. That characteristic is that the enclosed device remains fully useable. That was not an error on the part of the CIT.

This is a really good decision, and not just for Otter Products. There are many importers with pending protests or summonses waiting for this decision. They should all be very happy. Moreover, this is an important decision because the Federal Circuit did not get tripped up by trying to create a simple black and white test composed of all four factors or of any one factor. Instead, the Court took a thoughtful approach to both interpreting Heading 4202 and applying that interpretation to the specific products at issue. It is possible to imagine a variety of mobile device covers that should properly stay in Heading 4202. They might have some sort of handle or a cover that needs to flip open to use the phone. By focusing on the particular items at issue, and recognizing that it is was not necessary to make one hard and fast rule for all possibilities, the Court avoided future problems and added clarity to the law.

Taking all of that into consideration, the Federal Circuit found the device covers to be classifiable in 3926 and affirmed the Court of International Trade.

A win is a win. A win that makes good law is even better. Congratulations to all involved. [Go ahead, click the link.]

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